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Table 1 Participant demographics

From: Impaired proprioception and magnified scaling of proprioceptive error responses in chronic stroke


Stroke (N = 25)


65.40 ± 12.32


17 M, 8 F

Dominant hand

18 R, 6 L, 1 A

Side of body affected

12 R, 13 L

Dominant side more affected

N = 6

Months post stroke

60 [17, 198]

FMA-UE (maximum = 66)

60 [11, 66]

FIM (maximum = 126)

124 [105, 126]

TLT {0, 1, 2, 3}

20, 3, 2, 0


6.50 [0, 13]

BIT-C (maximum = 146)

140.60 ± 7.65

Field cut

N = 11

MoCA (maximum = 30)

25.36 ± 3.28

  1. Values presented as either mean ± standard deviation or median [minimum, maximum]
  2. FMA-UE Fugl-Meyer Assessment [Upper Extremity], FIM Functional Independence Measure, TLT Thumb Localizer Test, PPB Purdue Pegboard, BIT-C Behavioral Inattention Test, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment