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Fig. 13 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 13

From: A unilateral robotic knee exoskeleton to assess the role of natural gait assistance in hemiparetic patients

Fig. 13

Knee flexion phase portraits for three stroke patients. A The median phase portrait for each limb, columns 1–4 include information for each experimental condition, while rows A–C show the data for the three patients. Solid lines are used for the impaired leg, while dashed lines are used for the nonparetic leg. B The similarity between phase portraits; Panel B1 represents the similarity between both limbs under each experimental condition, and panels B2–B3 represent the similarity between the movement of the current experimental condition and the movement during NoExo. Across the figure, data for the same patient (P) are represented by the same color (green for P1, purple for P2, and orange for P3) while the brightness indicates the experimental condition (from darkest to lightest: NoExo, Free, Echo, and Pattern)

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