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Fig. 4 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 4

From: Cross-validation of predictive models for functional recovery after post-stroke rehabilitation

Fig. 4

Examples of features contributions (normalised values) to the prediction for a patient correctly classified as transitioning (panel TP) and one as non-transitioning (panel TN) and a misclassified patient as transitioning (panel FP) and non-transitioning (panel FN). Details: Patient TP presented the following characteristics: Male, 62 years old, ischemic stroke, absence of catheter, absence of bedsores, CIRS = 27, mRS = 0, SDC = 4, TCT = 100, NRS = 4, MMSE = 18, SAHFE = 2, mBI at admission = 73, mBI at discharge = 94. Patient TN presented the following characteristics: Female, 87 years old, haemorrhagic stroke, presence of catheter, absence of bedsores, CIRS = 29, mRS = 1, SDC = 2, TCT = 0, NRS = 0, MMSE = 22, SAHFE = 5, mBI at admission = 0, mBI at discharge = 6. Patient FP presented the following characteristics: Male, 55 years old, ischemic stroke, absence of catheter, absence of bedsores, CIRS = 20, mRS = 0, SDC = 2, TCT = 61, NRS = 0, MMSE = 11, SAHFE = 4, mBI at admission = 42, mBI at discharge = 42. Patient FN presented the following characteristics: Female, 74 years old, ischemic stroke, presence of catheter, absence of bedsores, CIRS = 20, mRS = 0, SDC = 42, TCT = 0, NRS = 0, MMSE = 28, SAHFE = 5, mBI at admission = 15, mBI at discharge = 87

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