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Fig. 6 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 6

From: Factors leading to falls in transfemoral prosthesis users: a case series of sound-side stumble recovery responses

Fig. 6

Kinematic characterization for late swing perturbations. Lower-limb kinematics: Sagittal-plane thigh, knee, and ankle angle trajectories for the ipsilateral (tripped/sound, top) and contralateral (recovery/prosthetic, bottom) limbs after the perturbation. Supplementary kinematics, from left to right: sagittal-plane trunk angle, frontal-plane contralateral thigh angle, ipsilateral forearm COM trajectory in sagittal and transverse planes. Positive angles indicate sagittal plane joint flexion, frontal plane thigh abduction, and forward trunk angle deviation from vertical. Positive arm positions indicate superior, anterior, and medial to position at perturbation. Arm positions are normalized from the position at perturbation, so trajectories begin at position (0, 0). Lower-limb and trunk trajectories are plotted from the instant of perturbation (Time 0) to either 1.5 s after perturbation (recoveries) or until the participant loaded the harness with >50% bodyweight (falls). Arm trajectories are plotted from the instant of perturbation to either one second after perturbation (recoveries) or until the participant loaded the harness with >50% bodyweight (falls)

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