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Fig. 2 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 2

From: Bimanual motor skill learning with robotics in chronic stroke: comparison between minimally impaired and moderately impaired patients, and healthy individuals

Fig. 2

Improvement of biSAT, biCO, biFOP on the CIRCUIT task. biSAT, biCO (in arbitrary units, a.u.) and biFOP (in Newton) quantifying bimanual speed/accuracy trade-off (SAT), coordination between the velocities of the two hands and the bimanual forces exerted against the virtual walls, respectively. The thick lines correspond to the group means, the grey lines to individuals (HIs, patients from Group 1 and from Group 2, respectively). 0: baseline on D1; 0–20: training D1 n, 21–40: training D2; 41–60: training D3; 61–63: generalization (using a new CIRCUIT (NC) layout), HIs: healthy individuals (n = 10), Group 1: patients with stroke with FMA-UE = 66 (n = 9), Group 2: patients with stroke with FMA-UE < 66 (n = 15)

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