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Table 2 Criteria and benchmarks to assess certainty of the evidence using GRADE [10, 12, 16]

From: Functional electrical stimulation cycling exercise after spinal cord injury: a systematic review of health and fitness-related outcomes

GRADE criterion


Benchmark used in this review

Risk of bias

Quality of the evidence

No risk of bias if at least one Level 1 study was present

Serious risk of bias if only one Level 2 was present

Very serious risk of bias if no Level 1 or 2 studies were present


Results for a given outcome not similar across studies

No inconsistency if improvements shown in at least:

– Two thirds of Level 1 or 2 studies and half of Level 3 or 4 studies; or

– Half of Level 1 or 2 studies and two third of Level 3 or 4 studies; or

– Two thirds of Level 3 or 4 studies in absence of Level 1 or 2 studies


Insufficient statistical power or wide confidence intervals

No imprecision if at least one study was sufficiently powered and at least one study showed narrow confidence intervals surrounding the estimate of effects


Evidence differs from study eligibility criteria (PICO)

No indirectness if—across the studies—the following participant characteristics were represented: male/female, young and middle-aged adults (16–65 years) and older adults (> 65 years), time since injury > 1 year and > 1 year, and lesion characteristics (AIS and lesion level) with sufficient lower motor neuron capacity to respond to FES cycling

Publication bias

Selective publication of studies

Publication bias present if unpublished studies added to the evidence summary would have changed assessment of any of the criteria shown above

Reasons for upgrading level of certainty in the evidence

If lower-quality studies provide convincing evidence

Consistent effects across a large number of Level 2, 3 or 4 studies

Plausible bias caused by including participants not responsive to FES cycling

Dose–response gradient present in one study or across all studies

  1. GRADE certainty in the evidence can be ‘High’, ‘Moderate’, ‘Low’ or ‘Very Low’, subject to the presence of the criteria presented in this table [10, 12]
  2. AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale, PICO Participants, Intervention, Comparator, Outcomes