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Fig. 4 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 4

From: Transfer of mode switching performance: from training to upper-limb prosthesis use

Fig. 4

Representation of the outcome measures within one block. The grey and black lines show the myosignals from the wrist extensor and flexor during one training block. The horizontal line represents the threshold of 20% above which attempts were counted. The letters and symbols indicate the outcome measures (see Table 1): A1–A5: Attempts, B: Time needed to Switch, C1 & C2: Amplitude, D: Phasing, E: Width. Attempts A1 and A2 were unsuccessful since only one myosignal reached the amplitude threshold. The width of attempt A3 was too large to make a successful switch. In attempt A4 the phasing was too high. Attempt A5 was correct. The Accuracy of switching in this block was 1/5*100 = 20%

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