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Table 2 Coding process

From: It’s not about the capture, it’s about what we can learn”: a qualitative study of experts’ opinions and experiences regarding the use of wearable sensors to measure gait and physical activity

Step 1

Rater 1 read all de-identified texts twice (AK)


Notes taken to manually develop an initial coding book


Draft 1 developed by Rater 1 (AK)

Step 2

Coding book development

Draft 1 of coding book, plus a single, de-identified text, sent to Rater 2 (KT)

Coding book refined by AK and KT

Draft 2 of coding book sent to Rater 3 (BV)


Another de-identified text emailed to all coders

All raters manually coded this text with Draft 2


Online meeting held between raters to refine coding book through discussion


Final version of coding book confirmed

Step 3

Final coding process

Final version of coding book, plus remaining de-identified texts emailed to all raters

Final version of coding book used to manually code all texts (Additional file 2)

Rater 1 (AK) coded all texts (n = 20)

Raters 2 and 3 (KT and BV) coded four additional texts each (n = 8)