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Table 2 Classification performance and computational burden for NLR, MLP and SVM models with highest EOF value on GS and LDA sampled at 1 kHz with features

From: NLR, MLP, SVM, and LDA: a comparative analysis on EMG data from people with trans-radial amputation

Classification Algorithm


Number of Classification Parameters


NLR (100 Hz)

92.0 (6.1 s)

362 (41 s)

95.5 (3.4 s)

MLP(100 Hz)

92.5 (5.9 s)

1654 (605 s)

94.8 (3.2 s)

SVM (10 Hz)

89.5 (7.3 s)

1361 (648 s)

93.3 (4.4 s)

LDA (1 kHz with features)

91.9 (6.5 s)


95.5 (3.7 s)

  1. Mean values and standard deviation of F1Score values, classification parameters and EOF values from 30 people with trans-radial amputation for each classifier involved in this study on a 5 classes dataset. The EOF and F1Score highest values and the lowest number of parameters are highlighted in bold. See Figs. 10-11-12 for a graphic display and statistical significance