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Table 3 Comparison of MuRf-1 protein expression in bilateral muscles(—X ± s)

From: The effects of different tensile parameters for the neurodynamic mobilization technique on tricipital muscle wet weight and MuRf-1 expression in rabbits with sciatic nerve injury


Lesion lateral

Normal lateral

Sham group(n = 6)

0.05 ± 0.00

0.050 ± 0.000

Model group(n = 6)

1.04 ± 0.05*

0.052 ± 0.000

NMT-A group(n = 6)

0.67 ± 0.07#

0.051 ± 0.000

NMT-B group(n = 6)

0.43 ± 0.04▲

0.051 ± 0.000

NMT-C group(n = 6)

1.01 ± 0.03☆

0.050 ± 0.000

  1. Lesioned lateral compared with normal lateral muscle, *#▲☆p < 0.05 in the model, NMT-B, NMT-A, and NMT-C group, respectively.
  2. In the lesioned lateral, the MuRf-1 protein expression in the model, NMT-B, NMT-A, and NMT-C group compared with in the sham group, *#▲☆p < 0.05; the MuRf-1 protein expression in the NMT-B and NMT-A compared with in the model group, #▲p < 0.05; the MuRf-1 protein expression in the NMT-B compared with in the NMT-A and NMT-C group, # ☆p < 0.05.