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Table 2 Software- and hardware-related criteria technology should meet to assist in stroke rehabilitation therapy 1

From: Embracing change: practical and theoretical considerations for successful implementation of technology assisting upper limb training in stroke


Familiarisation with the system should take little time2


Adjusting the hardware and setting the software to an individual patient should be a quick and easy process for all therapists and preferably also for therapy assistants2


Training goal(s) for patients of pre-programmed tasks or games should be evident to therapists2


Hardware and software design of technology should facilitate adaptation to individual patients or patient target groups and to patient progression over time2


Hardware and/or software settings should be adjustable to various task-related variables2


The design of the system (software and hardware) should facilitate the elicitation of task-related movements, whereas compensation strategies are to be prevented (as much as possible)2


The system should be able to give clear instructions, and provide feedback, to the patient2


The system should be able to measure and document task progression of the patient to provide performance feedback to the therapist2


Hardware and/or software should meet the implementation-related criteria: “The system should have quick initialisation, should preferably be portable and should function stably” 2


The system should be able to save individual therapy settings and data of a patient2


Hardware and software should facilitate independent use of the system by patients2: Training at home requires portability of the device [21]


Criteria related to psychological aspects of robotic devices [35]:

The system should remain rather ’invisible’

The system should look 'human-friendly' and behave accordingly


Criterion related to ergonomic and logistic aspects of robotic devices [35]:

The robot set-up must be rather flexible to cope with different applications and situations

  1. 1 Criteria obtained from literature are indicated with their reference number.
  2. 2 Indication that criterion is obtained from the therapists that were interviewed in the current paper.